- Changes the shape of the cursor when hovering over a specific area on the page.
- This section is set to cursor: none;
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- Letter spacing allows the developer to adjust how the letters sit next to each other. In a title they can be moved apart slightly to show across a page. They can also be pushed together for effect.
- close together
- normal
- stretched out
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- This is a cool css property that allows the develooper to adjust the look of the border. The best thing about it is that each corner can be different.
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- Click on this link for a cool tool
- Rotate changes the orientation of an element under specified conditions, such as hover in this example.
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This would be useful if you had some divs with only paragraphs and others with paragraphs and images and you wanted to style them differently.
- I used this one to style all of the links on the page. This psuedo-class styles any link element or attribute. Link does this too except that it skips visited links. any-link styles them all.
- Check it out